Has your life ever turned on a dime?
Throughout Titanic there are numerous plot pivots when somebody’s life does a one-hundred-and-eighty degree turn. From the crucial moment when Jack and Fabrizio win tickets to board the Titanic, we know it is far more than a trans-Atlantic voyage at stake.
The hair-pin twists and turns in the plot keep us glued to our seats in anticipation, in spite of the fact we know that ship will go down. The characters either charm us or disgust us, and sometimes both.
We are emotionally on board Titanic the whole time, experiencing every moment from the momentous embarkation for the maiden voyage of the world’s grandest ship to the heart-stopping tragedy of the sinking.
And for history buffs like me, we rejoice in the precision of the portrayal of the facts.
Like Mr. Lovett, the treasure seeker, we think we’ve known about Titanic for years, but after seeing it through Rose’s eyes, we finally “get it.”
From start to finish, this film is full of critical moments, and the way each character responds in each situation speaks volumes about the person they really are.
- Readers, have you realized that your reactions in the critical moments of your life reveal who you really are, or at the very least, where you're at in terms of integrity, maturity and responsibility?
In addition to what I've already said there about Jack's unwavering love and loyalty to Rose, there are numerous small details that correspond between Jack and Jesus:
• Jack calls himself “the king of the world” while Jesus was called the King of the Jews.
• Jack asks for Rose’s trust, just as Jesus asks us to trust Him.
• Jack keeps his promises to Rose, and Jesus keeps His promises to us.
• Neither Jack nor Jesus had a permanent home – no place to lay their heads.
Beyond these small, surface similarities Jack demonstrates even more about Jesus. Bigger, more significant things, like the fact that Rose's disobedience cost him his life.
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