This is exactly how Satan operates. He strategizes, manipulates and deceives all in an attempt to make you believe that your thoughts are actually your thoughts.
But, often they are not.
Have you ever thought, "I am so dumb."?
That is exactly the kind of thought that Satan plants in you. Why? Because you are God's workmanship! You are the apple of God's eye. You are so loved by God that He gave His One and Only Son so that you could spend eternity in heaven with Him. You are important to God, and if you have accepted Christ as your Saviour, then the Bible says, "We have the mind of Christ."
So, by getting you to believe that you are thinking to yourself, "I am so stupid." then Satan not only has you down on yourself, but also has you calling God a liar. But God is not a liar -- Satan is. He is lying to you trying to make you think that you think you are dumb. But you don't think you are dumb! You, in your renewed spirit, know that you have all the wisdom you need in Christ.
James 1:5 says that God gives wisdom to ALL who ask. So the next time you are tempted to think you are stupid, Stop yourself and pray instead, "Lord, thank you that in Christ I have the mind of Christ. Thank you that you give wisdom to all who ask. I am asking for wisdom right now Lord. Thank you that I am not stupid! Thank you for your wisdom! In Jesus' name, Amen!"
Other thoughts that Satan tries to plant in you is that you are unworthy of love, that you are no good, that you are unattractive or too sinful to be helped. All of these are lies of the evil one.
The Truth is that God loves you so much that He sent his son to die for you. He values you so much that he wanted to make a way to reconcile you to himself for all of eternity. He made you in his image. He is God enough to redeem you from anything you have ever thought, or said, or done. And Jesus has redeemed you. He said on the cross with his last earthly breath, "It is finished."
The Bible tells us to take every thought captive. To do this we must become aware of the thoughts that are entering our minds. When we recognize one that doesn't line up with God's truth we have to blow the whistle on that thought and reject it. Then we need to remind ourselves of what God's truth is on that matter.
Keep telling yourself the truth. If you can, say it or sing it out loud to yourself as often as possible. Even if it is a little child's song like, "Jesus loves me, this I know..." Do it. The devil will flee from you if you resist him.
Remember readers, I am praying for you. I love you. I care about your walk with Jesus. Cling to Him for He is clinging to you. He is with you always, even to the end of the earth.
1 comment:
I TOTALLY AGREE!!!! Satan is a liar that is ever at war with us: God's creation. Eveyone struggles with their thoughts and their content.
Love, Trevyn.
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