Over the past several months, one of my closest friends has adopted, one after another three small dogs. It was like she was the dog magnet for lost or unwanted canines - but not just any canines, the cutest, friendliest little furballs ever. And they got along as each one was added to her little pack. Wherever she goes now, she has at least one, if not all three with her.
So I got to thinking how nice it would be to have a little someone to cuddle and to hold. I miss our family pet, JD, who passed away at the end of last summer. Then two things happened.
First, on the way down to She Speaks, I met a gentleman who had two teacup size dogs running around his feet as he waited outside a Wal-mart. He was selling them for $100. But I was on the way to the conference, so I passed up the opportunity. Then, on the airplane, the woman beside me got to talking and it turns out that she had to give up her Maltese due to an upcoming move. She asked me if I would take him. I said, sure, but we ended up unable to connect on my way back through Chicago.
By now, I was really feeling like I wanted a puppy all my own. It is the middle of the summer, the best time of year to train a new puppy for a teacher. And, I will be home by 1:30 pm on school days come Fall. So I took a look on line just to see if there were any puppies I might consider... And I came across the photo you see above.
So I drove out to where the pups were, just to ask some questions, you understand? Just to look, and to maybe think about it a bit more. Well, the puppy (above) came right to me and climbed right up onto me... and began to nibble my ear. That's when it happened: I fell in love at first bite.
Readers: please pray that I will train my new little "baby" well. It isn't easy to say "No!" sometimes to a face that cute, but it is important.
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
Hebrews 12:11
Thanks for reading! God Bless you!!
Love Darilyn