As Ian is being repeatedly dunked by the Greek Orthodox priest, Toula and her immediate family are standing at the front of the church watching. At one point, Toula leans over and tells her brother Nick that she fears Ian will decide she is not worth all the effort.
Could this be the stumbling block that people have when they hear that Christ died for them? Could it be that when someone is told the bad news; that the wages of sin is death, and then the Good News; that Christ paid the penalty for our sins on the cross, that they just think it is too good to be true? Could it be that some feel they are just so not worth that?
If you think maybe Jesus would not have gone through his efforts on the cross on your behalf, allow me to show you the lengths that Jesus went to in order to reach just one person.
The story is recorded in Mark 5:1-20. Jesus, along with His disciples, sails across the Sea of Galilee through a furious storm that nearly swamps the boat. His disciples have to wake him and ask him to calm the storm, which He does. They arrive at a place called Gerasenes. There they meet a man who has a legion of demons causing him to have superhuman strength – he was so strong that no chains could bind him.
Evidently, he was a threat to himself and others.
He spent his time wandering around the tombs, naked, crying out day and night and cutting himself with stones. Can you picture this man? He hasn’t likely had a haircut in years. Or a bath. He is probably covered with self-inflicted wounds in various stages of healing, and oozing, although some likely would have been fresh enough to still be bleeding. But beyond the stench and filth – there is something about his eyes. They are more wild and dangerous than anything you’ve likely ever seen.
As it turns out this man is literally possessed by a Legion of demons. So many of them that when Jesus sent them out, they took down a herd of two thousand pigs. Think of it! Two thousand pigs!!
Those who had been tending the pigs spread the news through the nearest town about what had just happened nearby. By the time they got back, the man was clean, dressed, and in perfectly sound mind. A miracle had restored this man to his senses. He was in complete control of himself, and had Jesus to thank for it.
You would think these people would put on a big party to celebrate, or bring gifts in order to thank Jesus, or bring their own sick and suffering for instantaneous healing. But you would be wrong.
“Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region.”
Mark 5:17
These people wanted nothing to do with Jesus. They asked Him to leave.
And so He did.
Jesus went through all of that for the benefit of one man. One. All the others of that region wanted nothing to do with Him. They sent Him away. Scripture does not record that any people from there were saved except the tomb-dweller.
Jesus did not agonize over his decision to go out of His way for this one man. He did not have to weigh the pros and cons of His choice. He is all-knowing, so if He believes that one person is worth His time and effort, He is right.
That is how He feels about you. To Jesus, you are worth every ounce of agony of His death on the cross. You individually.
If you have never seen Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ I urge you to see it. If you have seen it before, try watching it while you continually remind yourself, “He did it for me.” It will change the way you view that movie, and radically deepen your faith and love for Jesus.
Readers: I pray you will understand the Passion Christ has for you. I pray it for myself also!
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