Even though we’ve all wondered what it would be like to be able to transcend time, Jesus actually can. There are three pieces of evidence to support this fact.
- Jesus was with God the Father at creation. Along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, He existed before there was time and had a hand in creating it.
- Jesus is mentioned throughout the Law and the Prophets (Old Testament) in prophesies, all of which he fulfilled during His time here on earth.
- There are scholars who believe that Jesus actually showed up at a several points in time before He was ever born in a manger.
The Bible supports all this. Today we will just look at the first point: Jesus was present at the time of Creation:
“Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,”
Genesis 1:26
Do you see that? Three times in that phrase the plural is used, "...us...our...our..." Two or more are discussing their plans for making man. Why is it worded that way? Because Jesus was there, and the Holy Spirit was there. Not three Gods, but three in one; The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus was there in the beginning, at creation. He was doing His part!
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