4. Just as Nick suddenly had an opening on his team, Jesus has always had an opening on His team for you. He is in the process of building his church, and He has many positions to fill.
The church is often referred to as “the body” of Christ, because there are many parts that all work together, all taking direction from the head that is Jesus. If you truly desire to be on Team Jesus, to become part of the body, you will discover gifts and talents that uniquely qualify you to do something specific. Maybe your local church needs people who are willing to work with children. Maybe the church office needs someone willing to do filing or stuffing of envelopes. Maybe the Lord wants you to host a Bible study in your home.
Many people shrink away from the idea of serving the Lord because they fear that if they “report for duty” He will immediately send them off to Africa or India to live in a hut and eat raw insects while preaching the gospel in scorching 100+ degree temperatures. But this is simply not true. He made you and He wants you. He loves you and He will not expect you to perform tasks that are hateful to you. On the contrary, the job He has in mind for you will light you up like a Christmas tree!
5. Nick says that Erin’s name just ‘popped up.’ Conversely, there is nothing random in the way that your name comes up for consideration in Christ’s plans for you. He has specifically chosen you. Your name doesn’t just haphazardly ‘pop up.’ He has had you in mind since before the foundations of the world were laid. He created you, and He loves you. He has seen your contribution to his kingdom all along. His word clearly states:
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
He really does have a job opening, and it really is specifically for you! You were created with a set of talents, interests and abilities precisely fitted for the job that has your name on it. When you find what you are called to be doing on Jesus’ team, you will find that it fits you exactly. You were created for the job, and the job was created for you. Isn’t that amazing?
(Personally, I also find it rather reassuring because I’m quite the city girl, and do not want to find myself in a hut in Africa, or in an igloo in Nanavut. In fact, here I am blogging and I'm loving it!)
6. It is quite remarkable that Nick uses the words, “I remembered you.” Those are words that come up quite often in scripture. Interestingly, it is usually right before God does something miraculous!
There are three examples in Genesis.
• God remembered Noah, and then the flood waters receded.
Genesis 8:1, “But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.”
• God remembered Abraham, and spared his nephew Lot from certain death in Sodom.
Genesis 19:29, “So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived.”
• God remembered Rachel, who desperately wanted a child. She, shortly afterwards, was able to conceive.
Genesis 30:22, “Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and opened her womb.”
God remembered these people – He thought of them, and acted on their behalf. He remembers you, too. His eyes are always on you, and He always loves you with a love that is unfailing and beyond measure. Perhaps you feel that your circumstances or your previous choices somehow disqualify you from receiving His unfathomable love?
You are not alone – I have felt that way myself. I am so thankful that Jesus intervenes in the lives of imperfect, damaged people just like me.
Readers: Has anyone ever intervened for you? Would you tell me about it?
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