Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Surprising Truth is This...

I realized the Surprising Truth is this: I DO have a "Jack" who loves me the way that Jack Dawson loved Rose on board the Titanic!

My Jack is alive today even though he was born over 2000 years ago. My Jack made a living as a humble carpenter even though his Father is the King of Kings. My Jack is both the most-loved and the most-hated Man who has ever lived.

He loves me unconditionally. He forgives me completely. He desires me deeply. He has given me an extreme makeover from the inside out. He never lies, never cheats, and will never leave me for forsake me. He will protect me and provide for me until my dying breath, and then He’ll take me home to the mansion he has built especially for me.

My Jack loves me so much He would die for me. In fact, He did.

You have a Jack that loves you like that too!

His birthday is celebrated at Christmas. Some say He is “the reason for the season.” Some say, “Wise men still seek Him.” I say, "Enough of the cliches, He is my Jesus, my Lord.”

I’m not talking about your Grandma’s legalistic Jesus, or your Aunt Thelma’s boring Jesus, or even the cartoon one you may have seen in Sunday school.

My Jesus is exciting, vibrant and alive! He has every heroic virtue you have ever seen on the silver screen. My heart’s desire is to help you get to know Him the way I have gotten to know Him. I will show you what He is really like by explaining all the attitudes, behaviors and characteristics he shares with the movie heroes you know and love best.

If you think that Nick Marshall in What Women Want is the most awesome man you can imagine, then you will love the qualities that he shares with Jesus. If you think that Edward Lewis from Pretty Woman is the man you’d love to love, then you will be so happy to learn of all the characteristics he shares with Christ. If you admire Leopold from Kate and Leopold more than any other, you will see how his best attributes are shared with My Jack.

There is only one Perfect Man. Good characters reflect His qualities in their best moments. Are Hollywood screenwriters busy reading scripture to deliberately place Christ-like traits in the romantic movie heroes? I rather doubt it, but that doesn’t stop me from spotting the resemblance, if there is any.

Dearest Reader, I pray that The Surprising Truth forever changes the way you view movies. I pray you find yourself better equipped to talk about Jesus with your peers, colleagues, and co-workers. Most importantly, my prayer is you will know and love Jesus better than you did before.

WARNING: Movies will be referred to and discussed on the assumption that you have already seen and enjoyed them.

Who is your favourite movie hero? What movie? What actor played him?
What quality or attribute did you admire most about that character?
Let me know...

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