Friday, April 16, 2010

Titanic -- Jack Embraces Life!

Jack’s life is an adventure which he embraces and lives to the full. He explains to the uppity-ups at dinner, without any embarrassment or apology, how he came to be aboard the Titanic: he won the tickets at a lucky hand of poker. He also freely admits that he is not only homeless, but jobless. Even though Ruth, Rose’s mother, clearly looks at him with contempt, Jack is not disturbed in the least. His worldview gives him the advantage of being free from condemnation.

Jack’s unencumbered way of living is exactly how Jesus instructed his disciples to approach life as they traveled and taught the gospel.

Take nothing for the journey except a staff – no bread, no bag, no money in your belts.”
Mark 6:8

From perfecting his artistic skills to winning tickets for the crossing, Jack celebrates life with joy and passion. He is not clouded by prejudices. He draws the one-legged prostitute simply because he appreciated the beauty of her hands. He embraces friendships with people from all cultures and all walks of life; from Fabrizio the Italian to Tommy the Irishman.

Jack is free from concern about what others will think of him. He waves at the throng as the Titanic departs even though he doesn’t know anyone in the crowd. He dances with abandon even though he doesn’t know how. Jack is free from the compulsion to earn the approval of others.

Jesus operated independently from others’ opinions as well. What would it have been like to see Jesus dancing at the wedding in Canaan? He was obviously having such a great time at that celebration He didn’t want it to end. When the wine ran out, He supernaturally made more. Lots more! Good quality stuff too.

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