How does Jesus show himself to be alive today? He reveals Himself to those who earnestly seek to know Him. To those who want to know He lives, He does. He is someone believers can have a relationship with. We can hear from Him, talk to Him, receive His counsel, and feel his love and his presence. We know He lives, because we experience Him living within us.
This is exactly what Jesus prayed for:
“I pray also for those who will believe in me . . .
that they may be one as we are one;
I in them and you in me.
Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, . . .
and that I myself may be in them.”
John 17:20-26
Jesus is as real to me as the nose on my face. I know that I know that He is alive – but only because I consistently asked Him to reveal himself to me.
He is dead only to those who refuse to believe He is alive. Just as Westley returned to Buttercup and proved to her that he was in fact very much alive, Jesus will some day return to earth and prove to everyone – even those who are currently unbelievers – He is alive and always has been.
On that day, not only will everyone clearly see that He is alive, but also everyone will confess He is Lord:
“At the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,”
Philippians 2:10-11
Oh yes, my friend, on that day there is not one soul that will be able to deny that Jesus lives, and that Jesus is Lord! Hallelujah! There will be a definitive end to any and all rumors that Jesus is dead.
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