In the Pit of Despair, Count Rugen’s Machine sucked the life out of Westley. As he died, Westley made the sound of ultimate suffering which summoned Inigo and Fessik to his rescue. They arrived too late. However, Inigo had an idea: so they took the body to Miracle Max.
Who can forget Miracle Max, played brilliantly by Billy Crystal? After much haggling over the price, Max also insisted he know their true motivation in wanting to bring Westley back. Their reason was True Love, which wasn’t enough for Max. He only agreed to help them to humiliate Prince Humperdinck. He finally provides the chocolate-covered ‘miracle’ pill that brings Westley back to life. This is possible, if you remember, because Westley is only ‘mostly dead’!
A Word About Miracles
I wonder how many of us have ever begged God for a miracle only to be disappointed. Have you ever found yourself bargaining with God for a miracle? Jesus needed no other reason to raise Lazarus from the dead other than that His Father would be glorified, and people would believe He truly was the Son of God.“Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?
Father I thank you that you have heard me.
I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here,
that they may believe that you sent me.”
John 11:40-42
Jesus did not perform miracles to help someone get revenge for a murdered father, or so that a nasty prince would have “humiliations galore”. Jesus healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, and raised the dead to fulfill prophecy (Mathew 8:17). He did miracles so there would be no doubt He was who he said he was (Mark 2:10-12, Luke 7:16)! Jesus never bartered for his miracles, and – contrary to what some believe – He performed them regardless of how much faith a person had (Mark 9:24, Matthew 17:17).
His miracles were:
1. Visible (Mark 1:44, Luke 13:13),
2. Undeniable (Mark 2:12, Luke 6:8-10),
3. Instant (Mark 5:29, Luke 8:47, 55),
4. Permanent (Mark 9:25).
1. Visible (Mark 1:44, Luke 13:13),
2. Undeniable (Mark 2:12, Luke 6:8-10),
3. Instant (Mark 5:29, Luke 8:47, 55),
4. Permanent (Mark 9:25).
Jesus could not be manipulated into performing a miracle (Matthew 16:4) and even performed a miracle for some people who were not even thankful afterwards (Luke 17:17)!
Why emphasize all this?
I think it is unwise to try to categorize what God will and won’t do. In other words, let’s not put God in a box and presume to know everything about Him. I think it is a dangerous game to assume we know the mind of God.
Not even Jesus knew the mind of God: He prayed for His Father’s will over his own. I pray that instead of “naming and claiming” miracles you will put your hope directly in God and the goodness of His character.
“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.”
Isaiah 40:31
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