Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Congratulations, Readers! If you have been with me since the beginning of this blog, you’ve looked with me at eight of my favorite movie characters. You’ve read through almost 100 posts describing Jesus. Thank you for your interest and support!

I will be the first to admit my writing is far from perfect, but thankfully the subject of this book is Perfection Himself!

I hope you have enjoyed our journey together – I know I have. Most of all, I hope that you got a whole new, high-definition, picture of who Jesus really is. Perhaps it wasn’t a new picture at all, but maybe it was a more complete one.

You have explored 24 characteristics of Christ as reflected in the leading men in the Chick Flicks we know and love. You’ve gotten a glimpse of how Jesus feels about you, how he reacts to you, and how much he wants you. You’ve seen some of the qualities that make Him so utterly different from any other mortal man, or even any movie character (no many how many writers, stylists, or stunt men are there to feed him dialogue, make him look good, or take his place in the dangerous moments). You’ve gotten an idea of how much God values children. You’ve learned that even when our life feels like a Fire Swamp, Jesus is right there with us.

Especially through the difficult times.

I hope you have enjoyed this blog so far. And I hope that you will think of Jesus every time you admire the male romantic lead in the movies you see in the future. I pray that your journey with Him doesn’t end here. I pray that you have found Him to be as irresistible, honorable and worthy as I have found Him to be. I hope you will know the love that he has for you, and know how vast it really is.

Most importantly, I pray that you have realized how God’s Word can be a real and present help whatever your challenges may be, and I pray that you know and love Jesus more than you did at the beginning. I pray that you will invite Jesus to be your Leading Man, for now and for all of eternity. Because, and here is the point of this blog: we can’t get what we ultimately want from any film, no matter how heart-warming the script, no matter how well-acted the lines, and no matter how expertly-directed the scenes.

However, we can get what we need if we know where to look for it. We can find the Man we desire, and He has all the most noble and praiseworthy characteristics we can ever imagine.

So the Good News is that there is a Perfect man after all! Jesus Christ, the one whose birth we celebrate at Christmas, and whose death we commemorate at Easter, is the One and Only perfect man who has ever lived. He never sinned, he had no bad habits, and He really would have stopped for directions if required. Then again, He is the only man that would never have to!

Jesus is the best “Leading Man” any woman could ever hope for. I know Jesus still lives today not only in my heart, but also (in glimpses) on the silver screen. Unfortunately, in our fast-paced, media-dominated society few take the time to know Jesus better. So it has been my pleasure to paint this word-portrait for you.

If you invite Jesus into your heart, he is there to stay, and not just until the credits roll! He will never leave you, never forsake you, and never abandon you. He deeply desires that you know Him.

Readers: Stay tuned for more blog entries...

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