Friday, April 30, 2010

Princess Bride -- He lives!

Maybe you are willing to accept that Jesus was resurrected, and maybe you are willing to accept that he was seen alive. But are you willing to accept that He is alive even today?

How does Jesus show himself to be alive today? He reveals Himself to those who earnestly seek to know Him. To those who want to know He lives, He does. He is someone believers can have a relationship with. We can hear from Him, talk to Him, receive His counsel, and feel his love and his presence. We know He lives, because we experience Him living within us.

This is exactly what Jesus prayed for:

I pray also for those who will believe in me . . .
that they may be one as we are one;
I in them and you in me.
Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, . . .
and that I myself may be in them.”
John 17:20-26

Jesus is as real to me as the nose on my face. I know that I know that He is alive – but only because I consistently asked Him to reveal himself to me.

He is dead only to those who refuse to believe He is alive. Just as Westley returned to Buttercup and proved to her that he was in fact very much alive, Jesus will some day return to earth and prove to everyone – even those who are currently unbelievers – He is alive and always has been.

On that day, not only will everyone clearly see that He is alive, but also everyone will confess He is Lord:

At the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
Philippians 2:10-11

Oh yes, my friend, on that day there is not one soul that will be able to deny that Jesus lives, and that Jesus is Lord! Hallelujah! There will be a definitive end to any and all rumors that Jesus is dead.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Princess Bride -- Westley rumored to be dead!

Westley had set out to make his fortune so he could return and marry Buttercup. However, his ship was overtaken by Pirates. These were not just any pirates; this was the ship of the Dread Pirate Roberts who, as everyone knew, never left anyone alive. Thus, Westley was rumored to be dead after the Dread Pirate Roberts overtook his ship.

Buttercup did not want to believe it, but five long years went by with no word from Westley and she began to believe the rumors were true.

There are many people who do not accept that Jesus is alive today. These people would likely agree that he lived and walked the earth approximately 2000 years ago, but they would not agree that He still lives. So in essence, Jesus is rumored to be dead as Westley was.

Okay, readers, follow me here: First, those who say that Jesus was a noble man or an influential teacher, or even a prophet, are assigning mere human mortality to who He was.

Second, if Jesus was only a man and no more, then certainly he would have remained dead after his crucifixion.

Therefore, it follows that anyone who denies Jesus is God incarnate is of the mind that He is dead.

Conversely, there are those who believe that Jesus, being the God-in-flesh, was resurrected on the third day. In fact, the empty tomb is one of the most well-documented events in history.

Lee Strobel in his book, Case for Christ examines this event from every angle and in the end concludes that the most believable explanation is that Jesus really did rise from the dead. There were over 500 eyewitnesses that saw him and even spoke to him after He rose again.

Many of these people went to their graves for declaring that Jesus lives! I doubt they would have died to perpetuate a lie, don’t you?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Princess Bride -- Introduction

From the opening scenes when we learn “As you wish” really means, “I love you” to the conclusion when the Princess leaps to safety with her luminous white dress floating behind her on the breeze, our hearts rejoice throughout this timeless classic. With colorful characters punctuating this melodrama, there is no shortage of laughs. Inigo pursues his father’s killer with a single-minded purpose to avenge his death, yet he is a fun and lovable light-hearted character. Fezzik is a giant who is a hired killer with so much compassion for his hits that he insists on fighting fair. Farmboy, later known as Westley, and later still as “The Man in Black” has many quirky, yet admirable characteristics.

There are so many glimpses of what our Prince is like it is difficult to choose which truths to expand upon. He first demonstrates his love for Buttercup with humble acts of service, patiently waiting for her come to the realization that his faithfulness is a daily expression of his love for her.

In the same way, Jesus does not force Himself into our lives, but he patiently pursues us and waits for us to invite Him in. Westley declares that his love for her is true just as scripture declares God’s true love for us from before the world began. The Man in Black rescues her from the trio of kidnappers even though he feels betrayed by her at the time, like Jesus died for us while we were still sinners.

Westley is not recognized by his beloved right away upon his return, just as there are those who still don’t recognize Jesus for who He is. Westley has flawless manners, and maintains a positive attitude no matter what pressure he is under, and Jesus conducted Himself above reproach His entire life, even as they crucified Him.

Finally, Westley promises Buttercup that he will come for her and Jesus promises us that He will return for us.

This hero uniquely resembles Jesus in the various ways that Westley faces, experiences and conquers death. As you know, Westley faces and overcomes death on more than one occasion and in more than one way. We will classify his death-conquering episodes into three categories:

  1. He proves the rumors of his own death to be false.
  2. He is resurrected from his own physical death.
  3. He snatches his beloved from the jaws of death.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Titanic -- "In all I do, I honor You."

"Amazing love, I know it’s true
It’s my joy to honor You
In all I do, I honor You.”

Knowing my sin was part of why He had to die inspires me to live my life in a way that would be a blessing to him. I want to live the way Jesus would want me to live.

Just like Jack, Jesus said not a single word in complaint on His way to Calvary. He did not try to avoid it or to save His own life. In fact, He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. It was His amazing love for me, for you, that led Him to the cross:

“Because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions . . . .”
Ephesians 2:4-5

I appreciate so much what Jesus did for me that I want to honor Him with all I do, just as the song says. And I guess that is kind of what Rose did too.

She fought for her life; she blew the whistle for the rescuers to come to her when she felt more like staying there and dying in the cold. When she had to give her name to the officials, she called herself Dawson. And she went on to live a full and abundant life, a life that would have made Jack proud of her. She obeyed him to the end – she died an old lady warm in her bed.

That is what I want to do too. I want to be faithful to the very end. I want to live each and every day acting on the firm belief that I am truly His Princess Bride.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Titanic -- Amazing Love! How can it be?

One of the reasons this film stayed with me so powerfully when I first saw it was because of the way Jack died. If you take a close look at the events that lead up to his death, you will see that Rose had actually been safely seated on a life boat at one point. As it was being lowered, she realized that Jack would probably go down with the ship, and could not bear that thought. So, rather than live without him, she chose to climb back aboard the doomed vessel and take her chances with him. The bitter irony is, however, that if she had obeyed him and stayed on the lifeboat, the floating door that saved her life would have saved his.

After the great ship slipped beneath the surface, they thrashed around in the freezing water and Jack found a wooden door. At first they both tried to get onto the door, but they soon realized that it would not hold them both. Jack insisted that Rose stay on it, and he remained in the water. Knowing he would die very soon of hypothermia, he used one of his last breaths to instruct Rose once again on how to live. He even ordered her to do everything to stay alive. He told her that knowing her, even for such a short time was worth it.

Jack felt she was worth it. He valued her life above his own. He gave his life for her as readily as if it were a simple courtesy like opening a door for her or pulling out a chair for her. He surrendered his life more willingly than some people surrender their seat on a bus. He died without a word of complaint. Far from it, he displayed more courtesy and dignity in his final moments than some people display in their lifetime. He never mentioned the fact that if she had obeyed him and stayed on the life boat, then he would be safely laying on top of that door himself waiting to be rescued and reunited with her.

When I finally realized that Jesus loved me like that I was overwhelmed. It was hard for me to imagine, and even harder for me to accept. Jesus, the One and Only Son of the Creator of the Universe loves me enough to die for me – and loves me enough to be grateful for the chance just to know me!

After realizing this, my favorite song became “You Are My King (Amazing Love)” by the Newsboys:

“Amazing love, how can it be

That You, my King, should die for me?

Amazing love, I know it’s true

It’s my joy to honor You

In all I do, I honor You.”

Readers: Have you grasped His amazing love for you? Is it even possible to fathom it?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Titanic -- Jack lived on purpose, and for a purpose.

Beyond Jack’s method to life; he found a new motive once on board the Titanic. Once he met Rose, her safety and wellbeing became his central purpose. He felt compelled to make sure she was taken care of. First, he commits to jumping off the ship with her if she jumps, and saves her life. Next, he questions her about what happened to make her feel she had no other way out; he invites her to confide in him, and widens her outlook on life in general. Later he fights his way onto a first-class deck to talk to Rose. He offers her a new life, with him. Ultimately Jack sacrifices his life to guarantee that she will live.

Jesus also came to the earth for two reasons.

First, He modeled and taught us HOW we should live. He showed us the
method. He lived an exemplary life – a life absolutely free from the stain of sin.

Second, His central purpose was US. He lived for the ultimate purpose of saving us, and to do that, He had to die.

Some people believe that Jesus’ death on the cross was some kind of huge cosmic mistake – that it never should have happened. They are wrong. Jesus knew exactly what his mission was, and He made it clear ahead of time. In fact, even John the Baptist alluded to it even before Jesus’ ministry began:

John saw Jesus coming toward him and said,
“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.””
John 1:29

Lambs were animals used to sacrifice to atone for the sins of the people. So John could foresee Jesus’ death. John knew Jesus’ central purpose.

Jesus himself also referred to his impending death numerous times. He was fully aware that his life on earth was for a specific purpose.

The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and he must by killed and on the third day be raised to life.
Luke 9:22

His purpose in living was to show us how to live, and then to die so that we could have eternal life.

Jack showed Rose how to live, how to really live. Then he surrendered his life in order to save hers.

Readers, how does it feel to know, to really know that Jesus intentionally came to give his life so you could keep yours for all eternity? Let me know.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Titanic -- Jack lived without pretense, and without worry!

Whether he is at the party, or alone with Rose, there is no pretense in Jack. He knows who he is, and he IS who he is. He is not burdened with regrets, jealousies, bitterness, or unforgiveness. All of this explains his overflowing joy. He does not pine for what he does not have. He appreciates everything he does have. He has learned the secret of contentment that Paul writes about:

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”
Philippians 4:12

Jack also forgives freely. This is because his intention is to live life to the full, and not waste any of it. Holding onto a grudge would be a waste. Worrying would be a waste.

This is why Jesus instructs us to forgive, and not to worry:

For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you... Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.
Matthew 6:14

Jesus wants us to live intentionally. He knows that worry, and unforgiveness will get in the way of that. He wants us to have complete joy:

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
John 15:11

Living without pretension, walking in contentment, forgiving freely, being free from the need for others’ approval, all speak to the method, or the way we approach life. The other component to intentional living speaks to the motive, the driving force behind our life’s efforts.

The method is HOW you live intentionally, and the motive is WHY you live intentionally.

Readers, are you living free from regret, worry, and unforgiveness? You can, but it is an intentional choice only you can make. I pray we all can learn to live within the freedom that Jesus died to give us.

Note to readers: Sorry this post is late! I just switched over to a Macbook and am learning how to use it! Thank you for your patience, and for continuing to visit my blog. I pray it is a blessing to you. Stay tuned for the next post!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Titanic -- Jack Embraces Life!

Jack’s life is an adventure which he embraces and lives to the full. He explains to the uppity-ups at dinner, without any embarrassment or apology, how he came to be aboard the Titanic: he won the tickets at a lucky hand of poker. He also freely admits that he is not only homeless, but jobless. Even though Ruth, Rose’s mother, clearly looks at him with contempt, Jack is not disturbed in the least. His worldview gives him the advantage of being free from condemnation.

Jack’s unencumbered way of living is exactly how Jesus instructed his disciples to approach life as they traveled and taught the gospel.

Take nothing for the journey except a staff – no bread, no bag, no money in your belts.”
Mark 6:8

From perfecting his artistic skills to winning tickets for the crossing, Jack celebrates life with joy and passion. He is not clouded by prejudices. He draws the one-legged prostitute simply because he appreciated the beauty of her hands. He embraces friendships with people from all cultures and all walks of life; from Fabrizio the Italian to Tommy the Irishman.

Jack is free from concern about what others will think of him. He waves at the throng as the Titanic departs even though he doesn’t know anyone in the crowd. He dances with abandon even though he doesn’t know how. Jack is free from the compulsion to earn the approval of others.

Jesus operated independently from others’ opinions as well. What would it have been like to see Jesus dancing at the wedding in Canaan? He was obviously having such a great time at that celebration He didn’t want it to end. When the wine ran out, He supernaturally made more. Lots more! Good quality stuff too.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Titanic -- Identity and Purpose

Just as Jack did more than just say he would hold onto Rose and bring her back on board, he actually did it -- Jesus didn’t just say He was God. He proved it with his actions.

He raised the dead, healed the blind and the lame, cleansed the lepers, walked on water, calmed the wind and the waves, and forgave sins by His own authority. And for the visual learners in his group, He held His own little private “Show and Tell” on the top of a mountain. He took Peter James and John, and showed them who He really is.

There he was transfigured before them.
His face shone like the sun,
and his clothes became as white as the light.”
Matthew 17:2

Jesus was sure of His own identity. He knew He was the One and Only Son of the Living God. And He knew His purpose, and lived intentionally to fulfill it.

Identity and purpose are also interconnected in the character of Jack Dawson. Jack’s secure knowledge of who he is – Jack Dawson, of the Chippewa Falls’ Dawsons – is also coupled with his intention to live life purposefully.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Titanic -- Defining Moment

One of the moments that I love Jack most was when he proudly proclaimed that he was Jack Dawson, of the Chippewa Falls' Dawsons. He knew exactly who he was, and wasn't afraid to proclaim it.

One of the most dramatic and exciting moments when Jesus clearly stated who He was took place in His hometown, Nazareth. He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath and took the scroll that Isaiah had written and read the description of the coming Messiah.

Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it to the attendant and sat down.
The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him,
and he began by saying to them,
“Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing
Luke 4:20-21

What essentially happened here is Jesus opened up the Bible, read a passage about the Son of God, and said, “The Messiah you've been waiting for? It’s me!

On another occasion, Jesus was very clear about stating who He was when a group of Jews came right out and asked Him,“Who do you think you are?

I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered,
“before Abraham was born, I am!
John 8:58

Two facts are evident in this statement:

First, Jesus indicates that He transcends time. (You’ll read more about this in chapter 9 on Kate and Leopold.) Claiming to exist beyond the parameters of time is a claim to divinity in itself.

Second, Jesus concludes His statement with the verb conjugation “I am”. This was extremely significant as those are the exact words that God used to identify himself to Moses when He appeared in the burning bush.

A modern day equivalent would be someone identifying themselves with the surname of their father, for example identifying themselves as a Kennedy. The Jews who heard him took this as blasphemy as they got His message loud and clear – Jesus was claiming to be God.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Titanic -- Jack was confident in who he was

So who was Jack?

Jack was a man who knew he was not crazy. He knew he was innocent of any wrong-doing at the stern of the ship. He knew he was good enough for Rose, and could help her out of whatever distressed her. He knew he could hold his own in a conversation with anyone, anywhere, anytime.

And who was Jesus?

Christians say He was the Son of God, born of a virgin, crucified on a cross, laid to rest in a tomb of rock, and resurrected on the third day.

Case for Christ by Lee Stroebel explains how all of this is one of the most solidly proven events in history, I highly recommend it. He also explains that some say that Jesus never claimed to be the Son of God – and proves those people are misinformed.

The fact is that His claims to be the Son of God are exactly what Jesus was crucified for!Jesus, when brought to trial before Pilate, said nothing in an attempt to defend himself. He was confident He was the Truth.

But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge –
to the great amazement of the governor.”
Matthew 27:14

Before Jesus was brought before Pilate and sentenced to death on the cross, he was questioned on a number of occasions. The Sadducees and Pharisees were constantly trying to trip Jesus up with trick questions. They asked Him about paying taxes, and about marriage at the resurrection (see Matthew 22:15-33) and Jesus handled their questions with complete confidence.

When Jack goes to dinner with Rose, and they are deep in the snake pit just as Molly Brown predicted, Jack also handles their questions with self-assurance and dignity.

“My mother looked at him like an insect,
a dangerous insect which must be squashed quickly.”
-- Rose

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Titanic -- Crazy accusations?!

Scripture records early in Jesus’ ministry, his own family thought he had lost his mind. He had been preaching and teaching and doing miracles, and had stirred up quite a following.

When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said,
“He is out of his mind.””
Mark 3:21

How did Jesus handle this hurtful accusation? In verse 35 of the same chapter, we read His response;

Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

Jesus was far too sure of who He was to let anyone’s silly allegations bog Him down.
And if it isn’t bad enough to be thought of as crazy by your own family, the teachers of the law did their own finger-pointing:

He is possessed by Beelzebub! By the Prince of Demons he is driving out demons.”
Mark 3:22

It was absolutely preposterous that the teachers of the law were calling Jesus demonic! Of course, with careful and flawless logic, Jesus patiently explained to them how that could not be true. He knew exactly who he was, and stood firm in that knowledge.

Readers: If you have ever been falsely accused, take heart! You are in good company.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Titanic -- He Knows Who He Is!

Welcome to my most popular blog post! I have a hunch the dreamy photo of Jack has brought you here, but I am glad to have you! Please look around and stay a while! If you like what you read, please share this blog with others.

Early in the voyage, Rose catches Jack’s eye. He sees her from the steerage deck as she gazes out over the ocean from above him on first class deck. Jack is attracted to her right away; in fact, he can’t take his eyes off her. Jack’s Irish friend, Tommy Ryan, waves his hand in front of his face, and mocks him, with that beautiful Irish lilt, for even thinking he could get next to the likes of her.

Undaunted by his friend’s discouraging prediction, Jack continues to watch as Cal comes after Rose. He observes as Cal grabs her arm and she resists, and by their body language it is obvious to him that something is amiss. Jack not only believes he is good enough to be with Rose, but also considers himself to be worthy and capable of rescuing her.

It is later that evening when Jack first has an opportunity to talk to Rose. She has again run away from her suffocating world, right past Jack who was lying down on a bench on the ship deck star-gazing. Her footsteps echo loudly on the hardwood boards of the third-class ship deck as she dashes to the stern of the ship. Jack sits up, watches her, and then follows her.

By the time he reaches her, she has already climbed over the railing. She is hanging off the back of the ship looking down at the roiling cold waters of the North Atlantic. Jack approaches her and tells her not to do it. He peals off his jacket and shoes, and explains to her that if she jumps he will be obligated to jump in after her. He describes in great detail what it feels like to be immersed in icy water – just how painful it would be.

When he again insists that he is committed to leaping in after her, she accuses him of being crazy. Jack is unfazed by her accusation because he knows exactly who he is.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Titanic -- She was worth it!

So, here we are. Jack died to save Rose's life. As discussed in last blog, Jack would have likely survived if Rose had listened to Jack and stayed on the lifeboat. But she didn't. Another thing that crosses our minds is that Jack won his ticket to board the Titanic. And they shouldn't have hit that iceburg in the first place. Our mind is filled with a myriad of 'if only' statements.

And we are angry. Maybe it is just me, but I keep thinking, "It isn't supposed to end like this." Especially when we see that Cal makes it. Life isn't fair. We can't stop thinking, "This should not have happened!"

Friends, sometimes life just isn't fair. And everything in us cries out against fate (whether we had a hand in what has happened or not). And we become resentful or bitter because we just can't let go of what should have been.

That is not the attitude that Jack had at all.
"Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful."
He embraced his destiny and counted it gain that he should have met Rose, known her, and had the chance to save her life. He felt that she was worth it. She was worth the price he paid for knowing her for such a short time: His life. That is how Jesus feels about us. He loves us and he feels we are worth it.

I remember hearing, "Even if you were the only one, Jesus would have died for just you."

And I remember thinking, "That's a bunch of hogwash." After all, God would have weighed very carefully the cost of His One and Only Son against the benefit of the exact number of souls that would accept Him and receive the gift of eternal life. You know, a basic cost-benefit analysis. I was sure I was just a dot in a sea of faces that Jesus could see from His vantage point on the cross.

Once I had my real encounter with Christ, I knew, just knew that He did die just for me. I don't know if I can fully explain it, and so I pray the Holy Spirit will reveal to you what I am trying to say, but I know that it was my sin, my disobedience, that put Jesus on that cross. And just as surely as I know that, I know He chose to go through with it because He just couldn't live without me.

I wasn't just a dot in a sea of faces, I was the face He was seeing. And He was so moved with love and compassion for me that He did a cost-benefit analysis and found out that I was worth it.

Mind blowing. I may drip tears onto my computer keyboard. Jesus loves me like that. He, like Jack, would say that I was worth it -- just so that He could know me.

One more thing: in Biblical terms "to know" someone meant that you knew them in the most intimate way, like a man knows his wife. You see, Jesus came that we may know Him, that we may become one with Him even as He is one with the Father. Check out John 17. It was Jesus' dying wish. That we know Him.

Do you know Him?