Sunday, May 8, 2011

Country Strong?

Last night my husband and I rented the movie Country Strong.  It was sort of the typical star-with-an-addiction film until you got near the end.

This blog contains spoilers -- so sorry about that.  Stop reading now if you haven't seen it and plan to.

The title of the movie, and the theme of it, was about a country star's "great comeback."  Well, after leaving rehab early, ruining one show, and cancelling another one, Kelly Cantor (Gwenyth Paltrow) puts on an amazing show.  It seemed like making an appearance for a young boy with Leukemia for the Wish Foundation had given her the grounding she needed to pull herself together.

But her great comeback lasted all of one night.  She went to her change room after the show and committed suicide.  Afterwards, her friend is reading a note she left him and in it she had written, "I have the right to disappear."

I am sorry, but I could not believe my eyes, or my ears.  The movie is titled, "Country Strong" and is marketed as a comeback story, and in the end the heroine ends up dead by her own hand?  What's with that?

Look, I understand that people get depressed, discouraged, and downright disgusted with life and even themselves sometimes.  But I really believe that suicide is the coward's way out.

Suicide is the worst thing you could do to your friends and loved ones.  Especially if you have children -- it is the worst thing you could to do them, or if you have parents.  What could be worse than if your child ended the life you strived to give them?

Of course in the film, Kelly Cantor's parents are not included in the story.  The massive grief of every one around her is never shown.  A suicide is something that those left behind may never get over.  And that this movie glorified it by including a line like, "I have the right to disappear," just really infuriates me.  A more apt title for this film would have been "Country Coward."

Readers, if you ever think for a minute that taking your own life is the answer, check again.  It isn't.  Please don't.  Pick up the phone and call someone.  Anyone.  A suicide hotline if there is no one else.  Don't ever give up on life.  Life hasn't given up on you.  You can't see the next chapter of your life from where you are right now.  So, get up out of the pit you are in so you can gain some perspective.  Get medical help.  Admit you need help.  It gets better, I promise.

Father, I pray that those who are thinking of suicide will stop and think again.  I pray that they will realize that they are making a huge mistake.  I pray that they will humble themselves and call someone for help.  I pray Lord, that they will seek you and find you when they do.  Father, please let those lost sheep know that you love them and value them so very very much.  Let them know that you do have a plan for them, a plan to prosper them and not to harm them.  That you have plans to give them hope and a future.  Father, bless them with your peace I pray.  In Christ's name, Amen.

Love Darilyn

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