The Funk & Wagnalls Standard Desk dictionary defines "intercede" as:
1. To plead or petition in behalf of another or others.
2. To come between parties in a dispute; mediate.
At first, Nick uses his mind-reading ability not only to get into bed with Lola, but also to sabotage the success of Darcy Maguire – the woman who got the job of Creative Director that he thought he deserved. Motivated by jealousy, he sets out to steal her ideas, make her look useless, and win her job for himself. Near the end of the film, after he has experienced a genuine heart-change, he learns that Darcy has been fired and the previously-coveted job is now his. However, because he realizes what a terrible betrayal he has committed, he determines to set things right by interceding for Darcy.
Darcy had given up on herself and had walked away without a fight, but Nick pleads with his boss to give Darcy her job back. He petitions on her behalf. He makes sure that her hard work is recognized, and that she is credited for the ideas that were originally hers. He risks his job to save her career and professional reputation. Meanwhile, she doesn’t even realize it.
In the same way, Jesus intercedes for us. We may not realize that we need Him to intercede for us, but we do.
Have you ever narrowly missed being involved in a car accident? Your safety can certainly be attributed to Jesus pleading for your protection.
It is hard to see when Jesus is interceding for you for the simple reason that He does it exactly when we are unaware of it. If we look back at the way certain events unfolded, we can sometimes see evidence that He has gone to bat for us behind the scenes.
Not long ago I was planning on attending a writer’s conference. I had asked for the time off work, and had planned out what flights I wanted to take. I had done everything but book the trip. Something was holding me back, and I didn’t know what it was or understand the hesitation in my soul. I surrendered the uncharacteristic indecisiveness of my heart to the Lord, and just let it go. I felt a peace about not going, even though I had really wanted to go. It seemed so unusual to be feeling confusion, longing, and peace all at once.
When the dates of the conference arrived, I was at home going about my usual business. It was then I experienced one of the worst kidney stone attacks I had ever had. I realized that if I had gone to the conference, I would have would have missed the entire thing. I probably would have spent the time in a hospital, and the time and expense I would have invested to be there would have been wasted. Looking back on that experience, I believe that the Lord prevented me from all that loss and inconvenience by keeping me home during that difficult time.
Thankfully, Jesus was my intercessor. He was praying for me when I could not pray for myself.
“We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” Romans 8:26
Readers, have you ever wanted to pray, but didn’t know how or what to pray? That moment was exactly when Jesus was interceding for you. He knows what you need, and how to pray for your best in every situation. Whether it is a job, a trip, or something larger, we can count on Him to be there for us.
Jesus is the One who bridges the gap between us and God. Jesus sees all sides of every issue because He is both man and God. He is our Mediator. He goes to bat for us whenever we have a need, whether we realize it or not.
“but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” Hebrews 7:24-25
Reader, has there ever been a time that you’ve felt like giving up on yourself? Jesus lives to intercede for you. Have you ever been under attack? Jesus lives to intercede for you. Have you ever been overwhelmed with self-doubt, hopelessness or despair? Jesus lives to intercede for you. Even if you can’t pray, just ask Him to intercede for you. He will.
Nick interceded for Darcy because he finally realized he loved her. Jesus has always loved us, since before the foundation of the world. His love is immeasurable, and beyond compare. You can trust that He is interceding for you when you need it most.
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