A small, but perhaps significant, detail that I can’t resist adding is that while Nick literally stood at the bathroom door and knocked, Jesus does the same for us,
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.” Revelation 3:20
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.” Revelation 3:20
But more importantly, Nick did not judge or condemn his daughter. Neither does Jesus judge or condemn us. He has a far different agenda than that! He said so himself:
“For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it.” John 12:47
Jesus did not condemn Saul, even when he was steeped in sin, on the road to Damascus. He does not condemn us either!
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1
The fear of judgment or condemnation may be what keeps someone from coming into relationship with Jesus, but the truth is He accepts you just as you are.
Alex was afraid to tell her dad what was really going on for fear that he would “freak out”. She thought that maybe he would punish her for agreeing to her boyfriend’s plan in the first place.
Could that be a picture of us? We get ourselves into a big mess, maybe one so big that we know there is no way out. Or somehow, we just come to the end of ourselves. Finally, when we realize that we are at a place where we no longer have anything to lose, we cry out for help. We might as well. Just as Nick already knew what Alex’s plans had been, Jesus already knows your every hope, dream, and fear.
He knows your past achievements, your desires for the future, as well as your darkest shame and your deepest secret.
“The LORD knows the thoughts of man.” Psalm 94:11
“The LORD knows the thoughts of man.” Psalm 94:11
Yet, we need not fear condemnation, judgment, or punishment. Because He already knows what’s on your mind, and He is ready to accept you just as you are. You really have nothing to lose.
Something else Nick does in this scene reminds me of Jesus. He affirms Alex’s intrinsic value. He honors her. He tells her that she did the right thing, “Oh honey, I am so proud of you!” Our heavenly Father also thinks very highly of us.
“ . . .you are precious and honored in my sight, . . . I love you.” Isaiah 43:4
Nick also convinces Alex to come out of her stall, and when she finally does, he says, “Look at you – Honey, you look beautiful.” Even though her hair is disheveled, and her make-up is streaked from the tears, he means it. Just as Jesus means it when He says you are valuable and beautiful to Him.
“The King is enthralled by your beauty.” Psalm 45:11
Maybe, like me, you are thinking, “How can this be?” Jesus loves you so much He looks right past the wrinkles and blemishes. He looks past the mistakes and the failures. He looks past the sin and the shame. He sees you as his Bride – fresh, clean, and radiant.
“without stain, or wrinkle, or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” Ephesians 5:27
Even as I write this, it is a truth that I have yet to fully absorb. My prayer for you, and for myself, is that we can fully internalize this very important truth. When we receive His offer of reconciliation and accept all that He has done for us, He sees us as if we had never sinned. He sees us as if we were never abused, or victimized, or hurt, or abandoned. He sees us clothed in dignity and strength, in purity and in victory. He sees us completely free from pain, regret, failure, doubt, and shame. And He never gives up on us until that is what we truly are!
Readers: My prayer for you, and for myself today, is that we would see ourselves as Jesus sees us. :)
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