This blog will be a little escape for every girl who gets more than enough drama in real life, and would, therefore, rather have at least some of it taking place on the big screen, (or the little screen). It is for every woman who would probably prefer to watch a great chick flick about a first date than to actually go out on one. For all of us who crave love, romance, joy and acceptance this blog is my gift to you.
And this blog is for every female who is completely content with her life just the way it is, thank-you, and knows exactly who she is, but still has a secret longing for something more . . . This blog is for you.
Needing "something more" is something we barely acknowledge to ourselves, much less something we would admit to others. Heaven forbid we be seen as someone who has a Cinderella Complex. Acknowledging our unfulfilled longings is like admitting to some kind of weakness. To admit that we have unfulfilled desires and feel kind of empty gives us the same feeling we get when we dream that we show up somewhere naked. We’ve all had that dream – the overwhelming feeling of humiliation when we discover that we are exposed in a very public place – it is horrifying.

Today’s woman is expected to be strong, to do it all, AND be proud of it. I still remember the advertising jingle for a perfume I learned when I was a kid:
“I can bring home the bacon,
fry it up in a pan,
and never let you forget you’re a man,
‘cause I’m a woman!”
To admit to having an intangible secret desire is to express out loud what nobody wants to admit – that life as we know it, no matter how good it is – is kind of…pointless. Perhaps, deep down we think somehow this emptiness is our fault. That if we just do better, we’d feel better. That if we measured up, we wouldn’t feel this way. I have come to believe that this just isn’t true. Every woman who is honest with herself will admit to at least a vague sense that life is missing...something.
During the process of researching for this blog, I interviewed ladies aged from 14 to 87 years old, and what I have learned is that all of us have more in common than any of us would have ever expected. No matter how diverse we are in terms of age, culture, family situations, or career, we all share similar thoughts and desires. No matter what life experiences we have enjoyed (or endured) there are longings that are common to us all. No matter whether we are a person of high education and great wealth, or a person of humble occupation and limited means, inside each one of us beats a heart full of yet-to-be-fulfilled dreams.
The purpose of this blog is to unlock and explore the secret yearnings of every woman’s heart. I believe that every woman deeply desires to be loved, forgiven and accepted. I believe every female needs to be seen, heard, fully known, and understood. Every lady yearns to be protected, nurtured and desired. We want to be cherished, honored, esteemed, valued, fought for, pursued and won. And even once we are won, we still want to be sought after, appreciated, treasured, encouraged, pampered and...we want to feel beautiful!
That's not too much to ask, is it?
Unfortunately, women today are expected to do everything a man can do in the work place, and hold everything together at home. Women, whether married or single, are climbing the corporate ladder, starting and succeeding in business while raising children, and volunteering at church and in the community. We are a society in which more women than ever are single-handedly providing for their families. We live in a society where women are doing more than ever before, yet somehow feel like we have less than ever before.
We have less time to ourselves, less time to socialize, less time for our children, and less time to manage our households. We never seem to get the connectivity we crave with our man, our children or our extended families. It is as if someone has pressed the fast-forward button on our lives and won’t let go. We barely have time to acknowledge that we have secret longings in our heart, never mind explore the inner recesses of our soul to discover what exactly it is we may be missing.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by life's demands?
Do you ever feel like you are missing something?
Share your thoughts...
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