Every woman dreams of being swept off her feet by a knight-in-shining-armor just like Vivian was in “Pretty Woman.”
Well . . . maybe not exactly like that, because Vivian was a street prostitute when she met her unlikely match. Edward, an extremely wealthy and powerful man, reluctantly picks Vivian up simply because he is lost, and desperately needs directions.
This film starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts came under a great deal of criticism when it was released not only because it contains some pretty steamy moments, but also because the leading lady starts out as a prostitute.
Almost 20 years later, it is still causing controversy – at least for me. I have been taken to task for using an R-rated movie. The fact is many people are watching movies like this one, evidenced by the fact that it has grossed over $464 million dollars. If popular culture can be used to illustrate the character of Jesus to those who might otherwise not know Him at all, then I will do it.
Jesus himself became the Friend of prostitutes, murderers, adulterers, tax collectors and all manner of sinners. He even became my Friend. So I’m pretty sure that He would want people who (gasp!) watch R-rated movies to know Him too.
Paul agreed with my stand on this issue. He described his ministry as follows:
“I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.” 1 Corinthians 9:22
Jesus is all about saving people. Sinful people. Even prostitutes: remember Rahab? How about Mary Magdalene? The sex trade is no laughing matter. Sin, exploitation and oppression never are. That is exactly why we need Jesus. So we can start over and be made into the image of Christ. No matter where we come from. No matter where we are now.
Even though Vivian comes from a shameful beginning, that soon fades into the background as she is transformed and the story takes shape. Vivian’s climb out of hopelessness and despair into the lap of luxury inspires us all that the American dream is alive and well. And most of all, this film stands as a testimony that it is never too late to turn your life around.
There are moments that make us laugh out loud, like when we see Vivian loudly and proudly singing way-off key while immersed in bubbles in the hotel’s Jacuzzi. There are moments that take our breath away, like when we see her, glorious, in the long red gown with her hair in an elegant up-do. And by the time the icon-moment of the film arrives, when Edward snaps shut a jewelry box as Vivian reaches into it, most of us would jump at the chance to trade places with her.
I’m sure many of us have dreamed of spending a day buying everything we want with someone else’s credit card. I think we all want to be pampered and spoiled a little, or maybe a lot. We, too, want to feel special, to be protected, and to command respect. And I know that every one of us longs to be looked at the way Edward looked at Vivian in that moment.
Not surprisingly Edward, the prince of this ‘modern-day,’ My-Fair-Lady style, fairy-tale, does several things that remind me of Jesus:
• He accepts Vivian
• He purchases her,
• He transforms her.
Readers: Have you ever dreamed about being spoiled, pampered, or transformed? Has it ever happened for you? Share it with us, if you would like...
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