One fall I was at my favorite second-hand clothing store because I needed to find a winter coat. I had looked through the entire store, but found nothing. Just before I was about to leave empty-handed, a lady arrived with clothing to consign. I lingered in the hopes that somewhere among her items would be a winter coat for me.
She brought in bundle after bundle as I continued to ‘shop’. Each large bundle was wrapped in a black garbage bag turned upside down, with the hangers sticking out a whole in the bottom. As she brought in the bundles, the shop owner hung them on rolling racks. Soon four racks were bulging full, and the lady was gone. I could barely contain my curiosity.
As we opened each bundle (I was in there helping by now) we found coats of every shape, style, color, and for every season. And yes, they were just my size! I tried on many of the coats as I talked with the owner of the shop.
She told me that the suede coat that I liked best was probably worth $800 retail, an amount I never would have been able to spend on myself! Not only was this coat beautiful, but it was so warm and comfortable. Then I noticed it was brand new. Not like new, it was new. The original tags had never been taken off. The owner of the shop was saying she’d probably price it at around $250. No doubt the coat was well worth that amount, but since I couldn’t spend even that much, I said nothing. I smiled and continued talking with the shop owner. Spontaneously, she offered to sell the coat to me for $40.
Friend, that is Jesus! I was so happy and thankful and told everyone I knew about my little clothing miracle. I might not have had a Gold Card, or a billlionaire 'boyfriend' but I sure enough felt like a million dollars!
A few years after that incident, I met the wonderful man I am married to today. We had planned a late November wedding. Where I live, winters can be extreme. But I wasn't worried about what kind of coat I would wear on my wedding day -- with so many other things on my mind, I really hadn't given it any thought.
Thankfully, my sister-in-law-to-be has an amazing mind for details. Along with helping us by taking care of decorating the church (and SO much more) she arranged for me to borrow a full-length off-white fur coat. It belonged to an aunt in the family, and it had been in storage at my sister-in-law's house. I was overjoyed just to have something to wear, and I have to admit, it looked pretty spectacular!
During the dinner reception, the aunt whose coat it was asked me if I was enjoying wearing it. "Oh, yes!" I exclaimed, "It is the most beautiful coat I have ever seen!"
"Oh good," she said, "because I was just thinking that it looks like it was made for you and that you should keep it as my wedding gift, just for you."
So that is how Jesus wrapped me in a beautiful, full-length fur coat! I felt like a Pretty Woman, one clothed in honor.
But even when we don’t see Him at work in the practical, we can rest assured He is always operating in the spiritual. There we are guaranteed to be adorned with “garments of praise” and “robes of righteousness.” He won’t just give us a new outer image; He makes us new from the inside out!
Readers: Has Jesus done something like this for you? Tell me about it.
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