I am really quite an avid reader and there are plenty of authors I will list on this site at some point to give you an idea of the writers who have influenced me. But there is one who deserves special mention because she, more than all the others combined, has had the largest influence on my life and walk with Christ.
I will say right away that it is not because of Beth Moore per se, it is because she turns me to the Word. She turns me toward Christ, and so it is really Jesus who is the greatest influence on me, but He has used Beth to accomplish it, and for that I believe she deserves some thanks.
The first Beth Moore Bible study I ever took was Breaking Free. That was in the year 2000. Each and every study has impacted my life in a significant way. I have learned, really learned, that Jesus loves me. I have learned how to dig into the Word for myself. I have learned how to Live Beyond myself. I have developed an even deeper appreciation for Biblical history, and the Jewish heritage we all, as Christians, share. Every year I was challenged and every year I grew to love Jesus more and more.
It has been an awesome 10 years, Happy 10th Anniversary Beth!

The study couldn't be more pertinent to me and to my life right now. I am just beginning to push forward into the destiny to which I have been called. This blog is just a small part of answering God's calling on my life. I am so glad that Beth taught me that God qualifies the called.
So, Beth I thank you. I thank God for you and ask Him to continue to bless you so that you can continue to bless me... Oh! I meant ALL us ladies who look forward to each new study you complete!
My prayer that first year during Breaking Free was that I would know and love Jesus the way Beth knows Him and loves Him. I prayed that I would someday teach others about Him as she does. Today the highest compliment I can get, other than that someone sees Christ in me, is that I remind them of Beth when I am teaching.
Which brings me to something else Beth taught me. When she was just beginning she wanted so much to emulate another great teacher (I am only guessing, but I think she was referring to Kay Arthur!). But the Lord told her, "I don't need another teacher just like her, what I need is you, Beth!"
And the Lord told me something similar: "I already have a Beth Moore, now what I need is you, Darilyn!"
So, my ministry is called Tried and True Ministries. I have tried Jesus and found Him to be True. I love Him with all my heart and soul and mind and strength and I pray that I may inspire others to discover His love as Beth has inspired me.
Readers: Have you ever taken a Beth Moore study? If so, tell me how it influenced you.
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