As I have mentioned, Vivian doesn’t have much success shopping by herself. Remember the uppity ladies in the store on Rodeo Drive? Edward has to escort her into a store and basically purchase her respect by spending what he describes as “an obscene” amount of money.
At this point, Vivian begins to look as though she is a respectable woman, and Edward’s money ensures she is treated as one. But neither of these would likely bring about an intrinsic change for Vivian. For that to happen, she has to see herself differently. By the final scene, she does.
Vivian has learned what it feels like to be valued, to be significant, and to be respected. Edward not only ensured that she looked different and was treated differently, but also he expanded her worldview by exposing her to new experiences like a polo match, a flight on his private jet, and an opera. Because she had the opportunity to see the world differently, she also began to see herself taking on a different role in society.
She begins to think how different life could be, and should be, from the life she had been living. She begins to see her inner-value as a whole person, rather her market-value as a ‘service-provider.’ Finding a high-paying customer is no longer her idea of success, now she will settle for nothing less than a life-mate who will see her as his equal.
Therefore, she begins to behave differently. She becomes more of the woman she was always intended to be. She is so changed by the end of their week together, that when Edward offers her an apartment and a car to be available for him whenever he is in town, she is offended by the offer. Just one week ago, she would have thought herself lucky to get a ‘great deal’ like that. But now she no longer sees herself as a cheap street hooker, or even an expensive “beck and call girl”.

This is like what happens to us when we spend time with Jesus. We become the woman we were always intended to be.
“And we …are being transformed into his likeness
with ever-increasing glory.”
2 Corinthians 3:18
It is a mystery how it happens, exactly. I can’t really explain what happens on the inside of you, what happened on the inside of me. What I can say is that day by day, as I spent time in His Word, choosing to believe it and receive it, I changed. I became sure of who I was. I began to see myself as Jesus saw me. I let His forgiveness of me become real. I chose to believe that I am who He says I am, and that He loves me.
This is how Jesus gives you an Extreme Makeover from the inside out.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come!”
2 Corinthians 5:17
The more you read the Word and believe it, the more real and powerful it becomes in your life. Reading this book and learning the Surprising Truth can be just the beginning. If you persist in learning about Jesus and His incomparable love for you by reading the Bible for yourself, you too can and will be;
“transformed by the renewing of your mind”
Romans 12:2
Jesus has the power, the resources, and the will to transform you completely. He wants you to see yourself for how valuable you really are. Remember the price that was paid for you? Jesus longs to see you feeling so good about who you are, and how highly you are prized, that you are absolutely glowing.
You will look, and feel, like the Pretty Woman you are.
Precious Sister: Are you being transformed? Or are you still waiting for the process to begin?
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