In spite of their obvious differences, perhaps even because of them, Edward wants Vivian to stay. He accepts her, just as she is.
Jesus accepts you too. Just as you are. For starters, He already knows your name.
“He calls his own sheep by name” John 10:3
I remember a time early in my Christian walk when I visualized what I thought Jesus saw from his position high on the cross. I imagined that he saw a crowd of people stretched endlessly all around him – all those who would trust in Him for their salvation. I knew I was in that crowd, but imagined myself to be in the far distance. I thought He only saw me as a dot in that endless sea of faces. I figured He would recognize me, after all He is God. But when I began to realize that He knew me intimately, it changed my whole life.
When I realized that He not only knows my name, but has it engraved in the palm of his hand, I was so overwhelmed with the personal nature of his interest in me.
“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;” Isaiah 49:16
“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;” Isaiah 49:16
He is intensely interested in you too. He knows your name. In fact, He’s known your name since before the foundations of the earth were laid. Isn’t that amazing?
And Jesus sees you, for better or for worse, through and through. From every detail of your outer appearance to the innermost secrets of your heart, Jesus already knows it all. Even if you wanted to hide something from Him, you can’t. Not even something as insignificant as dental floss.
He saw you when you were being formed in the womb. There is nothing that he doesn’t know about you, including the number of hairs on your head – and what your natural hair color really is! He knows what you look like without your hair done, without make-up, and without plastic surgery (if you’ve had it).
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep.” John 10:14.
Jesus knows everything you’ve ever done, or even thought about doing. Jesus’ acceptance of you is unconditional in a way that no other person’s ever could be. There is nothing about you, either tangible qualities or intangible qualities, Jesus does not accept. Nothing in your past, your present, or even your future can keep him from accepting you. He knows your deepest fear, and your highest hope. It doesn’t matter if you feel like you are the worst person to ever live. Jesus’ attitude of acceptance towards us goes so much deeper than the stain of any sin.
Need proof?
I did too. I will share abundant proof in the next post, so check back!!
Readers: How does it make you feel to know that Jesus knows every little thing about you? (Personally, I found it both awesome and terrifying.)
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