So, here we are. Jack died to save Rose's life. As discussed in last blog, Jack would have likely survived if Rose had listened to Jack and stayed on the lifeboat. But she didn't. Another thing that crosses our minds is that Jack won his ticket to board the Titanic. And they shouldn't have hit that iceburg in the first place. Our mind is filled with a myriad of 'if only' statements.
And we are angry. Maybe it is just me, but I keep thinking, "It isn't supposed to end like this." Especially when we see that Cal makes it. Life isn't fair. We can't stop thinking, "This should not have happened!"
Friends, sometimes life just isn't fair. And everything in us cries out against fate (whether we had a hand in what has happened or not). And we become resentful or bitter because we just can't let go of what should have been.
That is not the attitude that Jack had at all.
"Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful."
He embraced his destiny and counted it gain that he should have met Rose, known her, and had the chance to save her life. He felt that she was worth it. She was worth the price he paid for knowing her for such a short time: His life. That is how Jesus feels about us. He loves us and he feels we are worth it.
I remember hearing, "Even if you were the only one, Jesus would have died for just you."
And I remember thinking, "That's a bunch of hogwash." After all, God would have weighed very carefully the cost of His One and Only Son against the benefit of the exact number of souls that would accept Him and receive the gift of eternal life. You know, a basic cost-benefit analysis. I was sure I was just a dot in a sea of faces that Jesus could see from His vantage point on the cross.
Once I had my real encounter with Christ, I knew, just knew that He
did die just for me. I don't know if I can fully explain it, and so I pray the Holy Spirit will reveal to you what I am trying to say, but I know that it was my sin, my disobedience, that put Jesus on that cross. And just as surely as I know that, I know He chose to go through with it because He just couldn't live without me.
I wasn't just a dot in a sea of faces, I was the face He was seeing. And He was so moved with love and compassion for me that He did a cost-benefit analysis and found out that I was worth it.
Mind blowing. I may drip tears onto my computer keyboard. Jesus loves me like that. He, like Jack, would say that I was worth it -- just so that He could
know me.
One more thing: in Biblical terms "to know" someone meant that you knew them in the most intimate way, like a man
knows his wife. You see, Jesus came that we may know Him, that we may become one with Him even as He is one with the Father. Check out John 17. It was Jesus' dying wish. That we know Him.
Do you know Him?