From the opening scenes when we learn “As you wish” really means, “I love you” to the conclusion when the Princess leaps to safety with her luminous white dress floating behind her on the breeze, our hearts rejoice throughout this timeless classic. With colorful characters punctuating this melodrama, there is no shortage of laughs. Inigo pursues his father’s killer with a single-minded purpose to avenge his death, yet he is a fun and lovable light-hearted character. Fezzik is a giant who is a hired killer with so much compassion for his hits that he insists on fighting fair. Farmboy, later known as Westley, and later still as “The Man in Black” has many quirky, yet admirable characteristics.
There are so many glimpses of what our Prince is like it is difficult to choose which truths to expand upon. He first demonstrates his love for Buttercup with humble acts of service, patiently waiting for her come to the realization that his faithfulness is a daily expression of his love for her.
In the same way, Jesus does not force Himself into our lives, but he patiently pursues us and waits for us to invite Him in. Westley declares that his love for her is true just as scripture declares God’s true love for us from before the world began. The Man in Black rescues her from the trio of kidnappers even though he feels betrayed by her at the time, like Jesus died for us while we were still sinners.
Westley is not recognized by his beloved right away upon his return, just as there are those who still don’t recognize Jesus for who He is. Westley has flawless manners, and maintains a positive attitude no matter what pressure he is under, and Jesus conducted Himself above reproach His entire life, even as they crucified Him.
Finally, Westley promises Buttercup that he will come for her and Jesus promises us that He will return for us.
This hero uniquely resembles Jesus in the various ways that Westley faces, experiences and conquers death. As you know, Westley faces and overcomes death on more than one occasion and in more than one way. We will classify his death-conquering episodes into three categories:
- He proves the rumors of his own death to be false.
- He is resurrected from his own physical death.
- He snatches his beloved from the jaws of death.
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