One of the reasons this film stayed with me so powerfully when I first saw it was because of the way Jack died. If you take a close look at the events that lead up to his death, you will see that Rose had actually been safely seated on a life boat at one point. As it was being lowered, she realized that Jack would probably go down with the ship, and could not bear that thought. So, rather than live without him, she chose to climb back aboard the doomed vessel and take her chances with him. The bitter irony is, however, that if she had obeyed him and stayed on the lifeboat, the floating door that saved her life would have saved his.
After the great ship slipped beneath the surface, they thrashed around in the freezing water and Jack found a wooden door. At first they both tried to get onto the door, but they soon realized that it would not hold them both. Jack insisted that Rose stay on it, and he remained in the water. Knowing he would die very soon of hypothermia, he used one of his last breaths to instruct Rose once again on how to live. He even ordered her to do everything to stay alive. He told her that knowing her, even for such a short time was worth it.
Jack felt she was worth it. He valued her life above his own. He gave his life for her as readily as if it were a simple courtesy like opening a door for her or pulling out a chair for her. He surrendered his life more willingly than some people surrender their seat on a bus. He died without a word of complaint. Far from it, he displayed more courtesy and dignity in his final moments than some people display in their lifetime. He never mentioned the fact that if she had obeyed him and stayed on the life boat, then he would be safely laying on top of that door himself waiting to be rescued and reunited with her.
When I finally realized that Jesus loved me like that I was overwhelmed. It was hard for me to imagine, and even harder for me to accept. Jesus, the One and Only Son of the Creator of the Universe loves me enough to die for me – and loves me enough to be grateful for the chance just to know me!
After realizing this, my favorite song became “You Are My King (Amazing Love)” by the Newsboys:
“Amazing love, how can it be
That You, my King, should die for me?
Amazing love, I know it’s true
It’s my joy to honor You
In all I do, I honor You.”
Readers: Have you grasped His amazing love for you? Is it even possible to fathom it?
I love titanic! But i have to admit that i am just 12 years old. But still i fell in love with not only the movie but the real history (and a littel bit in jack. And every school assignment i write is about titanic, and my teacher says that its the best work i have ever done. And every time i hear the titanic song i start to cry, and I just have to se the movie again, again and again. And me and my bestfriend cant wait to 2012 becuse then titanic comes in 3D in Norway where we live beacuse its 100 years since the ship sunk!
I love your site keep writing about titanic!
Love Vilde<3
Hi Vilde!
I am so glad that you found my blog. I will write more about Titanic just for you. But right now I am writing about Inception. It has the same actor that played Jack. Thank you so much for your comment! Please keep visiting.
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