Beyond Jack’s method to life; he found a new motive once on board the Titanic. Once he met Rose, her safety and wellbeing became his central purpose. He felt compelled to make sure she was taken care of. First, he commits to jumping off the ship with her if she jumps, and saves her life. Next, he questions her about what happened to make her feel she had no other way out; he invites her to confide in him, and widens her outlook on life in general. Later he fights his way onto a first-class deck to talk to Rose. He offers her a new life, with him. Ultimately Jack sacrifices his life to guarantee that she will live.
Jesus also came to the earth for two reasons.
First, He modeled and taught us HOW we should live. He showed us the method. He lived an exemplary life – a life absolutely free from the stain of sin.
Second, His central purpose was US. He lived for the ultimate purpose of saving us, and to do that, He had to die.
Some people believe that Jesus’ death on the cross was some kind of huge cosmic mistake – that it never should have happened. They are wrong. Jesus knew exactly what his mission was, and He made it clear ahead of time. In fact, even John the Baptist alluded to it even before Jesus’ ministry began:
“John saw Jesus coming toward him and said,
“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.””
John 1:29
Jesus himself also referred to his impending death numerous times. He was fully aware that his life on earth was for a specific purpose.
“The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and he must by killed and on the third day be raised to life.”
Luke 9:22
His purpose in living was to show us how to live, and then to die so that we could have eternal life.
Jack showed Rose how to live, how to really live. Then he surrendered his life in order to save hers.
Readers, how does it feel to know, to really know that Jesus intentionally came to give his life so you could keep yours for all eternity? Let me know.
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