Westley had set out to make his fortune so he could return and marry Buttercup. However, his ship was overtaken by Pirates. These were not just any pirates; this was the ship of the Dread Pirate Roberts who, as everyone knew, never left anyone alive. Thus, Westley was rumored to be dead after the Dread Pirate Roberts overtook his ship.
Buttercup did not want to believe it, but five long years went by with no word from Westley and she began to believe the rumors were true.
There are many people who do not accept that Jesus is alive today. These people would likely agree that he lived and walked the earth approximately 2000 years ago, but they would not agree that He still lives. So in essence, Jesus is rumored to be dead as Westley was.
Okay, readers, follow me here: First, those who say that Jesus was a noble man or an influential teacher, or even a prophet, are assigning mere human mortality to who He was.
Second, if Jesus was only a man and no more, then certainly he would have remained dead after his crucifixion.
Therefore, it follows that anyone who denies Jesus is God incarnate is of the mind that He is dead.
Conversely, there are those who believe that Jesus, being the God-in-flesh, was resurrected on the third day. In fact, the empty tomb is one of the most well-documented events in history.
Lee Strobel in his book, Case for Christ examines this event from every angle and in the end concludes that the most believable explanation is that Jesus really did rise from the dead. There were over 500 eyewitnesses that saw him and even spoke to him after He rose again.
Many of these people went to their graves for declaring that Jesus lives! I doubt they would have died to perpetuate a lie, don’t you?
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