Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Diana... I wanted so much to be like her!

Diana herself had been through some significant losses. Her husband had left her to raise two children on her own.

She had put herself through school in order to get back on her feet, and had accumulated so much debt in order to do so, that she doubted she would never see black ink again.

To take the job she was currently at, she had to push her grown children out of the nest, and liquidate all her belongings. She too had moved to a strange city.

And, oh joy, she got to live with us. She then had the pleasure of watching my life dissolve before her very eyes.

But unlike me, she had such a sense of peace about her, all the time. Unlike me, she radiated tranquility in spite of all she had lost, and all she had yet to face. She had nothing, yet gave of herself. She had every reason to be bitter and yet, unlike me, she was the sweetest person I had ever met.

I wanted so much to be like her.

She had Jesus and had Him to the full. She was so loving and encouraging. I realize now that it was because,

“Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”

Matthew 12:34

In Diana’s heart was an abundance of Jesus. She always knew just what to say, until that day.

Until the day she asked, “Is Jesus enough?”

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