Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pressing in to find "The Answer"

It has taken me nearly 15 years to formulate a new answer to Diana's question, "Is Jesus enough?"

Between that day and now, I have experienced so much more disaster, adventure, success, pain, joy and disappointment than, I imagine, some people experience in a lifetime.

Through it all I continue to press in towards Jesus, demanding that He be "the answer" that a saviour ought to be. I have doggedly kept after Him.

I think I am like that woman who pursued Jesus believing if she just touched the hem of his robe she would be healed. I see her crawling through the tightly packed mob on her bloodied hands and knees in the gravel, weaving her way through the throng just to grab his tassels. Determined that she would not be denied the healing she so needed, she pressed in towards Jesus.

It was worth it for her, and it was worth it for me.

You have my answer in your hands. And it is an answer that was worth fighting for, it was worth writing down, it is worth having, and it is worth sharing.

No matter what life throws at you, take heart! Jesus is enough.

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