Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Inception: A Prison of Guilt

          Deep in the subconscious mind of Dominic Cobb there lives a memory of his wife, Mol.  In the basement of his subconscious is the scene of the last night Dom spent with his wife.  It is the hotel room where they spend their anniversary each year.  She has trashed the hotel room to make it look like a struggle has taken place, written letters to her lawyer indicating that she felt her life was threatened, and had doctors certify her to be of sound mind all in an attempt to get Dom to commit suicide with her.  She erroneously believed that the reality they were living in was a dream world, and that the dream world was the reality she needed to get back to.  So she did her best to convince Dom to commit suicide with her.  He didn't.  She did.

          And then he had to live with guilt.  Dom's guilt was two-fold.  First, he was the one to plant the idea in her mind that death takes you home where you belong.  Second, he was the one to survive.

          We all have some sort of baggage we carry around with us.  For some it is guilt, for others shame, regret, insecurity, inferiority, or a host of other possibilities.  Dom's subconscious mind was literally haunted by "Mol" - the personification of his memory of her.  Some of us are haunted too.

          If you catch yourself using phrases like, "If only,,," or "I should have..." then maybe you are also haunted by a memory.  The question is what do we do about it? 

          Does the Lord want us to live like that?  I don't think so.  The Bible says that he has put our trangressions as far away as the east is from the west.  It also says that our sins have been thrown into the ocean and forgotten by God.  It says we are to forget what is behind and strain towards what is ahead.  It is not the Lord who orchestrates the unpleasant reminders, the haunting memories that plague us.

          That is the work of the Accuser.  Our enemy does not want us to live like we are forgiven.  He wants us to drown in our sorrows, literally, if possible!  So how can we defeat the attacks of the evil one?  We can get into the promises of God.

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you." 
Isaiah 26:3

          Trust that the Lord has forgiven you.  He did.  The first time you asked.  Trust that He loves you.  He does, and always will, no matter what.  Trust that the Lord has a plan for you that doesn't involve torturing your mind with guilt, shame or anything else.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Readers, you can let your mind rest in the knowledge of God. 

Love, Darilyn

1 comment:

Marc the canadien said...

I definately agree with what you say here. Sometimes we need to be able to take the guilt instead of constinuosly barrying your guilt deeper into your heart. We may think that its gone but once in a while it will show up. I like your blog on this one