Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How to Train Your Dragon Part 5

If this movie is NOT about a boy and his dragon, and instead is a marriage instructional (and the more I apply what I learned, the more convinced I am that it is) then something else I learned is:

Be Humble!

On dictionary.com humility is defined as, "the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc."  The synonyms listed include: lowliness, meekness, and submissiveness.  The antonym or opposite is pride. 

God hates pride, which should be reason enough to be humble.  But the fact that humility can save or radically improve your marriage should also inspire you to read on.


In the movie, the vikings had a manual that held everything they knew about dragons. But, what Hiccup discovered is, "Everything we know is wrong."

Ladies, if you have been reading Cosmo magazine and expecting it to contain information to help you in understanding your boyfriends or husband, maybe you should consider the possibility that, "Everything (you) know is wrong."

Guys, the same thing applies to you if you have been getting information from your buddies about how to understand your girlfriend, your wife, or your daughter.  You know the best source of information about your wife?  Your wife!

Ladies, the only one who can answer questions about your husband with any degree of accuracy is your husband.  Not a magazine, not your mother, and not your friends.

Pride is assuming you know it all.  You don't.   If you assume you know nothing, you are on the right track!  If you assume you have everything to learn you have taken a correct position.  The assumption that you know nothing will enable you to become a student of your dragon.

Study your dragon.  Watch them, closely.  What makes their face light up?  What makes them worry?  What makes them feel protected, respected, valued, honoured, and loved?  Do those things.  Do them often.

The formula for a successful marriage can be very simple:  Loving = Learning + Doing

Learning what your spouse needs takes humility and doing for your spouse takes even more.  So, be humble.

I am praying for you, readers.  Please let me know if this is helping you.  :)

Love Darilyn

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