Forgive me readers, but I am going to jump right to the end of the film, or very near the end of it. This blog will contain spoilers. If you haven't seen it yet, I am sorry, but you've had ten years to do so!!
Am I the only one who has noticed that Rose cost Jack his life??
This is one of the things that I pondered in the weeks following my first viewing of Titanic. It bothered me then, and it bothers me now.
Jack said it himself, "Rose, you're so stupid!"
The situation was this:
- She had realized that Jack had been wrongly accused (we'll talk about that in another blog),
- She had rescued him from the bowels of the ship where he had been handcuffed to the pipes and left to die.
- They had fought their way up above decks seemingly against all odds.
- They found a life boat for Rose. Remember there was not enough, "not enough by half," and she knew it. She was actually sitting on the life boat as it was being lowered, and then...
- SHE GOT OFF!! She got off the lifeboat, and got back onto a sinking ship!
Jack was a survivor, it was what he knew how to do -- land on his feet. He always did, somehow. If she would have trusted in who he was, and in his ability to make it, then he would have had the floating door all to himself.
If he didn't have Rose with him to worry about, then he would have survived the sinking and been reunited to be with Rose and the two of them could have lived happily ever after like we all wanted them to. If only she had listened. If only she had stayed on that lifeboat. If only...
Jack died because Rose didn't listen to him. I wonder if that ever occurred to her?
Here is the thing: Jesus died because we didn't listen to what God told us to do. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Eve was the first, but we've all done it. We hear what God has to say, and then we do our own thing anyway. Just like Rose jumped out of that lifeboat, we too have 'jumped ship' when it didn't look like we were going to get our way.
Readers, I have certainly gone my own way, and done my own thing. We are born into it. In some regards, it is not our fault. We are only human. But sometimes we know we are acting contrary to God's design for our lives -- and we do it anyways. This is why we need Jesus. For all the times we went our own way not realizing the implications, and for all the times we knew we were acting in opposition to God's will for our lives. Jesus is the answer to the human condition.
Got Jesus?