In the same way, Satan wants to take your best thoughts and turn them against you. He wants to take your confidence and turn it into self-doubt and self-loathing. He wants to take your hopes and dreams leave you in shame and despair. Your enemy wants to twist your faith into disbelief.
The Bible says that the work of God is this: to believe in the One he sent. Satan says you haven't done enough to earn God's love.
The Bible says that you have been rescued out of darkness. Satan wants you to believe that there is no hope for you.
The Bible says that you are the workmanship of God, created in His image. It also says that the King is enthralled with your beauty. The devil wants you to think you are not tall enough, thin enough, or beautiful enough. He wants you to obsess over every little freckle and blemish and extra pound, as if you are not good enough.
The Bible says that God has a plan for you, plans to give you hope and a future. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Satan wants you to sweat over where your next meal is coming from, and to blame God for the challenges you face.
Yes, Satan is the father of lies and a thief through and through. Like I said, he wants to steal your peace, make you worry, and plunge you into despair. The Bible says that Satan wants to take you captive to do his will. Don't let Satan have his way with you.
Call on the name of Jesus, and get your nose between the pages of scripture. Read what it says. Believe it. Trust that God loves you.
Lord, let my precious readers know how much they are loved. Let them seek to know for themselves how much you love them. Lord, I pray you will reveal yourself to them in a way that is profound and life-changing.
Thanks for reading. Thanks for sharing this blog with those you love.
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