Thursday, November 25, 2010

Your Mind: The Battlefield

Your mind is a powerful thing.  In Inception, it becomes clear just how powerful our creative forces can be, and how powerful our destructive forces can be.  We can create a whole world in our mind.  And in the movie, people can infiltrate our dreams.

If you've been following the last few blogs on Inception, you know that I have drawn a parallel between Cobb and Satan -- both would steal your good ideas from you, and plant ideas into your mind that are not intended for your long term best interest.

The similarities continue.  In the film folks would have a line of defence in their dream world.  These defenders would identify and attack infiltrators -- this was the source of all the action sequences in the movie!  There was an all-out war going on within the dream worlds.

In reality, you need to train your mind to recognize and reject thoughts that Satan has placed in your mind.  If you "hear yourself" think something like, "I am such a loser," or "I am so stupid," or "I am such a klutz," then you need to blow the whistle on that thought and reject it.

Best case scenario you can say out loud, "I reject that thought!  I am a child of God, Jesus has declared that I am victorious!" or, "I have the mind of Christ, according to scripture!" or, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"  Don't just say it.  Believe it, and act like you believe it.

The more Satan's attempts to bring you down this way results in you claiming your scriptural rights as a child of God, the less likely it is that he is going to continue trying the same thing.

And another thing -- if you are plagued by bad dreams, recognize that fear does not come from God!  You can pray and trust that all your dreams will come from Jesus only -- and they will!

If you ask Jesus to be the Lord over your dreams, then He will do battle to keep out the things that frighten you in your dreams.  He will place warrior angels over you who will do battle for you to keep your mind at peace while you sleep.  I know this is true because I did this myself.  My recurring nightmares were gone.  I have told many students about this, they've tried it, and it has worked for them too.

If Jesus is your saviour, then He is your saviour.  Ask Him.  He will be your protector even while you sleep.

Readers, I love you so much.  Thank you for visiting, thank you for sharing, and thank you for the awesome comments that have been coming in.  I am especially pleased to know there is a young girl in Norway following the blog!  Hits are way up -- let's keep it growing.  The Lord promises His word will not return void.  And He has certainly been faithful where this blog is concerned.



Andrew the Canucklehead said...

This is a terrific post, Mrs. Lemky. It is so true that we need to guard our minds from evil and destructive thoughts so that we don't let any of them grab a foothold in our lives. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, but if we guard our hearts and minds well, than Satan will never get a chance to harm us in any way.

I used to struggle a lot with filtering my thoughts. Bad and negative thoughts would enter my mind, but I would have trouble getting rid of them. Then one day I prayed about it, and thanks to the Lord, I could easily identify any bad thoughts and get rid of them immediately. Although I've never had any problem with nightmares, I have had problems with keeping my thoughts positive, and with practice and God's help, it has worked out well.

Trevyn said...

Thank you! One thing I've really noticed is that so many people are not aware of the Spiritual Realm, and that it is constantly at war. one can easily compare "Inception" with reality: Extractors are like Satan and his demons, we are the dreamer, or Mark, and the subconscious Projections constantly defending us represent God's angels and His Word that is truth enbedded in our soul.
In conclusion, the battle for our soul and mind is constantly raging around only we have the power to decide which side we're on.
Love, Trevyn

Marc the canadien said...

Once again this is an excellent post and I agree with what you are saying in how our mind in constantly at battle. I also agree with you in how you said even though we say we belive that things we get better we have to act on it. This is an excellent post and I think that many people would agree with me